Monday, October 3, 2005

The Usual Commute

This morning had all of the elements of the usual commute. Namely, dumb drivers, occasional rain, road construction, police cars and CSI all over the place, body on the sidewalk...



I have often thought, as I whip along in my car, just how oblivious I am to everything around me.

Someone on the side of the road with a flat tire? Their problem, not mine. A bunch of cars on the side of the road in a fender-bender? Once again, not my problem, though I'm glad not to be a part of it. Body laying on the sidewalk covered by a tarp? Ummm, that one is a bit harder to ignore.

Thoughts like "I bet that person didn't plan on dying when they got up today" start going through my head. That, and "Was that person murdered?" "Did they die of a heart attack?" "Were they hit by a car?"

It really casts a pall over the day. You start thinking things that should never be thought of on a Monday morning. You shouldn't have to think deeply until at least Wednesday.

And in the midst of it all, that little voice whispers in my ear "Perhaps you ought to take note of those around you, before it's your flat tire, or your fender-bender, or your body on a sidewalk. Maybe if I do, so small postulate of the Golden Rule will mercifully apply to me when I find myself in a difficult situation.

/Monday deep thinking

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