Friday, October 21, 2005

Freakin' Friday

It started at about 1:00am. The Weak-Bladdered-Dog is not supposed to sleep in the family room on the sofa, and so I called her up to the kitchen. She didn't want to come. So I marched down the stairs to the family room, and in a pretty authoritative voice told her to go to the kitchen.

In a demonstration of submission, said dumb dog rolled onto her back (still on the sofa) and emptied her bladder.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. All those weeks of biting my tongue and not swearing? Out the window. That dog was up the stairs faster than a lightening bolt with a horrid blue streak of profanity chasing after her. The one thing I did NOT want when we got a pet, was for the house to end up smelling like pet. And by damn, it probably will.

She's a beautiful dog, a very loving and loyal dog, but the things that get her into trouble are her mouth (stealing food from table & counters, chewing things up) and her bladder (random acts of excited or submissive peeing). Grrrrr.

Got off to a late start this morning. My wife usually makes the best homemade fajitas ever, and that's what we had last night. But something was off. It was sort of remiscent of food poisoning from Sonic. It was too greasy for some reason, and so both of us ended up sick for most the night, along with the two year old who had a tummy ache all night long. So, late start.

Then, every Lousy Utah Driver (that would be most of them, folks) seemed to gravitate to me. People were just doind really stupid things on the road. Made me wonder if the place where they destroy all of that nerve gas in the west desert has sprung a leak. Maybe they're all just dumbed down from watching too much "reality TV" (I mean c'mon, what do any of those shows have to do with reality?

Speaking of which... They interviewed the new lead singer of INXS on a local radio station this morning. In my opinion, a group has to be pretty damn desperate to select their new lead singer from a "reality TV" show. I mean, yeah, it makes sense. You have a large talent pool, and runoff competitions, and judges... but it still exudes desperation.

I liked INXS before it became really popular. The Shabooh Shoobah days. Anybody remember the song "To Look At You"... that was a great song. And yeah, "The Swing" was pretty decent as an album, too.

What's this I hear about a giant turd running for mayor of Victoria, British Columbia?
VICTORIA, British Columbia -- Mr. Floatie, a community activist who dresses up in a feces costume to decry the pumping of raw sewage into the waters off British Columbia's capital, has withdrawn his name as a candidate for mayor.

The city had planned to challenge Mr. Floatie's candidacy in B.C. Supreme Court. James Skwarok, the man inside the costume, said the city apparently took issue with his candidacy because only real people can run for municipal office. "Of course I'm not a real person," Skwarok said earlier this week. "I'm a big piece of poop."

Robert Woodland, Victoria's administrator, confirmed that Mr. Floatie is no longer in the running, the Victoria Times Colonist reported Tuesday. Skwarok was not available for further comment. Mr. Floatie has become a regular sight at public gatherings. He passes out pamphlets drawing attention to Victoria's practice of pumping sewage directly into the Juan de Fuca after only a screening to remove solids.

I thought this type of insanity was limited to our side of the border. Guess it's a "North American" thing.

More about the school thing. I am starting to loathe this project, and everybody associated with it. (redrum...redrum...redrum...) I'm even developing a twitch in my eye whenever I see the Survey Chief heading my way. I'll be damn glad when we can close the file on this one.

That's all for this post.

/piss and vinegar

PS: Picked this up at Kristy's blog, and laughed my ass off!

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