Wednesday, January 11, 2006

You Rock My World!

Seriously, after yesterday's trickle of posting, I seriously didn't think I'd end up with so much traffic! (You have to realize that my blog is the internet equivalent of a small house in a rural area that has a half-mile long driveway, and the nearest neighbors are several pastures away.) It was late December before I actually broke the 100 pageload ceiling for the first time!


But there you have it, in vibrant StatCounter color: 126 hits. Again, chump change for many of you, but for a small-time guy like me, it was amazing that people thought that I write stuff worth reading.

On that note, our structural engineer added two pages to the set of plans on our project this morning, and I'm the unlucky one who gets to do the CAD layout on them. Thrilling beyond belief.

I do have actual posts to post, but again, they may have to be relegated to later this evening, or possibly later this week.

So, since I have nothing for you to feast your minds upon today (feast? Nah. Even at my best, I'm the blogging equivalent of the McDonald's dollar menu), I would like to direct you to one of my all-time favorite Blog sites.

Alex The Girl

I came across her site quite by chance about 3 years ago. She has been blogging since 1996, and receives over 90,000 hits to her site daily.

Her content is quite amazing and quite profound. Just over a year ago, she moved from Seattle to L.A., and since then has been rubbing elbows with people whose names most of us only see on movie credits. And yet, she is still as genuine as ever in the things that she observes and shares in her site.

Give her a look. I highly recommend it. Read her profile... it's a scream. (One of my favorite posts is the May Queen pageant)

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