Thursday, January 26, 2006

The "Five Weird Things" Meme

I got tagged by Sherri, so here you go: A few more weird things about me that you didn't want to know:
  1. Meeting with my boss or supervisor makes me nervous. I am literally paranoid that the hammer is going to drop any minute and they're just going to come in and tell me that I'm fired. Not that this has ever happened to me, but I think that I still have a bit of "beaten dog" syndrome left over from the last job. The supervisor there knew how to keep you nervous; it was a control freak kind of thing.

  2. Things that bring me comfort / help me relax: Taking baths or showers in the dark while listening to music, going to sleep while listening to classical music, taking long drives to nowhere in particular by myself, and drinking soda pop. And yes, I'm probably listening to music on that drive, or I'm driving with the windows down.

  3. I'm often paranoid that there's a dead mouse in the can of soda that I'm drinking. It all stems from seeing a bottle of Dr. Pepper with a dead mouse inside at a law office once. If I drink out of a bottle, I hold it up to the light and check. If I drink out of a can, I take my chances.

  4. All of my kids names are combinations of two and three syllables. If the first name has three syllables, then their middle name will have two. And vice versa. With the exception of the first born, the middle names have no "family" meaning to them, and were picked solely because of how they "roll off the tongue."

  5. The sound or thought of running my fingernails along a chalkboard doesn't bother me; the thought of running a seatbelf between my teeth drives me nuts.
And there you have it. I tag anyone who wants to pick this up; I can't narrow the list down to five.

PS: The project from hell just went out the door!

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