Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday Afternoon Rant

This is why I avoid talk radio. I couldn't believe my ears last week. I had to run an errand one afternoon, and the car I used had it's radio on the Sean Hannity show.

Normally, I switch off talk radio shows. Whether they’re Liberal or Conservative, it doesn’t matter, because they all serve the common purpose of elevating my blood pressure, frustrating the hell out of me and making me want to throttle the next person I see just because of the unbelievable amount of sheer stupidity in our world today.

As my hand reached out to turn the radio off, the topic caught my attention. A child molester gets a 60 day jail sentence for raping a child countless times over a four year period, starting when she was six years old.

I left the radio on, because I could not comprehend what I had just heard. 60 days? 60 f*cking days for ruining this girl’s life?!

That was enough to raise my blood pressure several dozen points, but it was the liberal guy (attorney? state senator?) that Hannity was talking to that just shot the old bp through the roof. Here is a close approximation of their "friendly banter":

Hannity: “Can't you just tell me that this is a gross miscarriage of justice…?�

Liberal: "We don't know the whole situation here... Vermont doesn't offer treatment for sex offenders in jail...he needs to be treated for this condition so that he doesn't become a repeat offender..."

Hannity: "Just say it: 60 days for 4 years of raping this child is an injustice..."

Liberal: "Again, we don't know the whole situation here..."

Hannity: "What if it were your child? Wouldn't you be mad then?"

Liberal: "If it was my child, I'd be furious. But I'm not emotionally attached to this case. What you need to understand is..."

Hannity: "So what you're saying is that it's alright if someone else's child is raped for four years, but not yours?"

And so, once again we see why Nilo would never make a good liberal. I could never sidestep an issue like that. I cannot "see both sides" of someone brutally destroying a child's innocence and traumatizing them forever. I rather support the biblical idea of hanging a millstone around the offender's neck and casting them into the sea. That came from Jesus himself.

See, I have a six year old. And if anyone ever, ever, EVER did something like that to her (or any one of my other kids), you could number that person's hours on earth from that point on. See, if someone raped one of my kids, then got 60 days of jail time for it, I'd be standing in the parking lot ready to present my own version of rehabilitation for the offender: One 9mm bullet. I can guarantee he'd never rape anyone again.

I hate to sound pissy, but... *checking calendar*... Oh, hey, it's Monday. I can sound pissy as much as I want.

Is it just me, or are there other people out there that think this world is going down a huge toilet?

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