Sunday, April 2, 2006

What My Eyes Have Seen...


We have a grandma in the hospital that has taken a turn for the worse. They're going to be taking her off of life support in the next few hours, and so... no post today. Sorry.


I did promise you a post or two to read on Monday morning.

My bad.

I hadn't counted on my wife coming down with the same plague I had for an entire week. Between the time that I got home Friday night until this moment, there has seriously not been a free minute to call my own.

Well, there was actually a spot of free time this evening, but that was spent in front of the TV, watching "Memoirs of a Geisha." Excellent film, in my opinion; time well spent.

My 6-yr old has the same sickness too, and so I take care of her, while juggling the baby and the 2-yr old while my wife tries to sleep some of this off. All of this while managing to fix dinner, and bathe all four of my kids.

SAHM's: My hat is off to you. Several times over. I can't see myself suriving a career like that, and those of you who run a household have my sincere admiration.

Look for a new post between 12:00 & 2:00 MDT on Monday... I'm heading to bed...

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