Thursday, April 6, 2006

Guardian Angels Working Overtime

I must be a magnet for near-death experiences. Some of you may remember the day my little car started fishtailing on the icy interstate freeway. Today's incident made that day feel like a picnic in the park.

I was driving down the interstate freeway again, on my way to work this morning. The freeway had a certain amount of compacted slush and ice on it from a snowstorm that had been dumping on us for about 4 hours or so.

So I was zipping along in the middle of three lanes, keeping even pace with the traffic around me, when suddenly, nearly every brake light in front of me went on. I slammed on the brakes, but had hit a patch of slush, and was sliding (quite quickly) toward the car in front of me.

Somehow, I knew that the "fast" lane to my left was empty, and I swerved to the left to miss him, at which time the car went into a wicked fishtail. At that moment, my car did a graceful pirouette back into the middle lane, narrowly avoiding (we're talking mere inches, folks) about six different vehicles (including a large semi-truck) and "kissing" the front fender of the car that I had initially swerved to avoid hitting.

When my car started spinning out of control, there was a very distinct feeling of "My goose is cooked". It was the knowledge that I was not going to come out of this situation in good shape, if at all. Yet, in defiance to the laws of physics, my little car spun around on a crowded interstate freeway, and managed only to come into contact with one other vehicle... and barely, at that.

The Blue Mouse sits in my garage tonight, proudly displaying her battle scar: A three inch scrape on the front bumper. How did the other car fare? About as well. Damage is hardly noticeable.

I'm really at a loss to explain why I wasn't killed, or at least injured on the route today. If you had only seen the crazy way my car was spinning around in between all of those other vehicles, you'd understand.

I was sure to thank God for saving my neck, and letting me live a little longer; letting me love and enjoy my family and friends just a little longer...

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