Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thanksgiving Reflection

I'm thankful for...

My family. My wonderful wife, and my amazing children. They are my life. I'm grateful that my wife decided long ago that children would be more important than a career, and gave up our second income to be there for our kids. It hasn't been easy, but it has been tremendously worth it. I'm thankful for good parents, and awesome grandparents as well. I can't forget my brothers and sisters in there, either.

My home. It's not a $15,000,000 mansion, but it's home. It keeps us warm and sheltered, and has stunning mountain views. I like our little house.

My friends. Some I've had for several years, other's I've had for just a few weeks. Every one of them has blessed my life in one way or another.

My health. I'm no paragon of fitness, but I'm grateful that I don't have any one of several horrible illnesses out there.

My job. As much as I'm sure that engineering is not my "calling" in life, I'm pretty decent at it, and my job has kept food on the table and the bills paid.

My faith. When little else makes sense in this world anymore, my understanding of life makes it easier to live each day as it comes, and enjoy my short stay on earth (the mother ship should be arriving any time now).

Food to eat. We're not a dine-out type of family, at least, not very often. I'm thankful that my wife is a wonderful cook, although there are still a few things I can cook better than she can.

Clothes to wear. They're not fancy, but they do the trick. And they're comfortable, too.

The things I learn every day. I learn the secrets of the universe from my children, and I learn wonderful life lessons from friends who are good enough to share their experiences either face to face, or through a blog.

The list seriously could go on. And on. And on.

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