Monday, November 28, 2005

Comfort Foods

I do have a post kicking around in my head about Thanksgiving... one that actually talks about what I'm thankful for. That one will be next. This one, however, has been waiting since Wednesday afternoon to be posted.

Comfort Food.

It's a different thing for everybody. It could be one thing in particular, or many different things.

Last Wednesday, for example, I didn't take lunch until about 2:30pm. I had downed about a half pound of cinnamon bears, and they weren't sitting very well in my stomach. I was feeling all sorts of "blech", and really didn't want to eat at all, but I took a chance and popped on over to Apollo Burger. I was still feeling rather gross when I walked in the door. Instantly, the smells of the place hit my nose, and my stomach relaxed and said "Hey, I know this place... gimme a bacon cheeseburger!" And all at once, Newton's first law of Nausea was suspended, and I was able to have an enjoyable meal. The slow jazz-type music, the golden setting sun streaming in through the windows... these together with the food conspired to make one of the best lunches I've ever had.

The question is now on the floor: What are your comfort foods?

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