Monday, November 7, 2005

My Message in a Bottle (Updated)

Updated 8-25-2011 - Ahhh, you've gotta love Facebook, and it's supernal ability of locating people!

This is a pretty self-serving post. Every once in a while, I think about someone in my past, and wonder what the hell they are up to. Most often, they are girls I knew when I was growing up, and lost contact with.

Reasoning that everybody is enough of a narcissist to look their own name up on a Google search at least once, I'm going to post their names here, along with their hometown or last known general location. And any other useless information I can think of.

Sophie Ruel
Hometown: Romans-Sur-Isere, Drome, France
She was the first girl I had ever kissed. Unfortunately, her parents and my huge inability to speak French at the time brought our budding relationship to a quick close. She had fiery red hair, and I heard she had moved to Antibes at one time.

Sophie, ca fait 19 ans depuis nous nous sommes rencontre a Courchevel; et je me demande qu'est-ce qu'il est que tu fait maintenant? J'ai habite en France pour un temps, et j'essayais a tu contacter plusiers fois, mais sans succes. Je serais bien heureux d'entendre les nouvelles de toi. Amour toujours.

Kimberly Miller Found.
Hometown: Brigdon, Ontario, Canada
I worked with her in the Cottonwood Mall in Salt Lake City, UT. She was a great friend that I could spend a long time on the phone with. She went to school in London (Ontario), and her boyfriend was Richard, though I don't think I ever knew his last name.

Alla Kosova - Found.

Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
I worked with her in the Cottonwood Mall in Salt Lake City, UT. She was a fun friend to hang out with. She moved to Henderson, NV and made quite a name for herself as a dancer. Wondering what she has been up to since then.

Jennifer Lewis - Found.
Hometown: Coalville, Utah
I went to school with Jen at ITT Tech, and she was another great friend that I loved to hang out with. Last I had heard was that her husband had joined the Army Airborne to become a parachutist. They had moved to Fayetteville, NC back in 1996 or 97.

Jacquie Hurado - Found.
Hometown: Spring Valley, California
She was my first best friend, and gave me my first taste of beer. At the ripe age of 6 years old! Her dad lived in Fresno, and she would fly back and forth a bit to visit him. I was always a bit jealous of her collection of plastic airline wings. Where are you now, Jacquie?

Dawnee Johnston - Found.
Hometown: Spring Valley, California
First girl I ever crushed on! I was five years old at the time, and she was just amazingly cute! She lived about a block away from me, and I remember once her older sister put one of those red, plastic fish on our hands where the head or the tail would curve up and tell if that person was in love or not. I was. I haven't seen her in about 30 years.

Melia Young
Hometown: Lyman, Wyoming
I danced with Melia once at a church dance. She was gorgeous, with dark brown hair, beautiful eyes and a stunning smile. We exchanged addresses for the purpose of writing. I was smitten, but I was a lousy writer. I must have started several letters that never got sent. It wasn't you, Melia... it was me. I still kick myself for not having written!

Melanie Lindgren (Sanders) - Found.
Hometown: Kaysville, Utah
Melanie was a pretty intense crush for me. She was the first girl who I was absolutely head over heels for, and she was also a great friend. She ended up getting married about a year after I had moved to Switzerland. I would love to know how you're doing, Mel.

Kristina Young (Tina or Tini)
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
I dated Tina for a very short time in the fall of 1988. I was so in love, and wanted to marry her, but it turns out we didn't have a whole lot in common. She went to school, and then moved to Arizona to do accounting work. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with a large brain tumor. It was surgically removed, and she made amazing progress in recovery. Haven't heard anything of her for over 8 years.

If you come across your name on this list, or know where these people are, please email me at I'd love to hear from them.

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