Monday, November 28, 2005

And The Beat Goes On...

Those of you familiar with the way my holiday weekend began should have a chuckle at the way it turned out.

Wednesday - Our two year old went to my naturopath doctor today. There have been a handful of instances over the past week or so of her losing her balance and falling. And getting hurt when she falls. Apparently, she has such a bad ear infection that there is actually blood behind her eardrum. Symptoms other than loss of balance? None. Doctor says "She should be screaming from the pain..." He prescribes some homeopathic drops to put in her ears.

Remember me running out of gas in the middle of the intersection? The gas can that I used to put some fuel into my tank tipped over in my trunk. And leaked. So wednesday night, I drove the 50 mile trip home with the windows down, because the fumes were so horrible.

I get home, and my wife informs me that she's been put into the jury duty pool for sometime during the next 6 weeks.

I stay up with Baby Josh that night so that my wife can get some sleep. We watch "Lawrence of Arabia" on the On-Demand cable. I have to change his diaper four times in one hour, and one of those times he peed all over me. Then, around 1:00am, the two year old wakes up and is crying about how she wants Mommy (apparently, Dad turns into chopped liver during the night & she won't have anything to do with me). So we go back downstairs where she and the baby alternate crying and throwing fits, I catch a little bit here and there from the movie, and finally, the noise becomes such that my wife gets up. And orders me to bed. Which is where I really wanted to be anyway.

Thursday - We wake up and have a breakfast of Krispy Kreme donuts. Around lunchtime, I go out to pick up Chinese food for the family, and find that the Chinese restaurants are all closed. Psh. Like it's even a Chinese holiday... I made the mistake of stopping by the Wal-Mart deli and picking up some chicken strips and barbecue wings, along with some curly fries. What we ended up with was a rather heavy meal for lunch at 1:00pm, with Thanksgiving dinner looming up at 4:00pm.

4:00 rolls around, and it's "Over the river and through the hoods to Grandmother's house we goooo..." I could only eat one plate full of food before I was completely stuffed, to the point of nearly barfing. It's one thing to insult someone by not eating the food they've prepared for you, but another thing entirely to ralph it all back up.

We stay until about 7:30, watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special. None of my kids, however, were interested in watching. Something about the voices sounding all funny, and how can that dog really butter toast, anyway?

Friday - Another non-descript day from hell. It's decided that I really ought to get up on the roof and finish hanging the Christmas lights, before the storms hit. I get the lights hung, my wife takes off for about an hour and a half to get some shopping done, and we start cooking our turkey.

My oldest daughter sits down on a kitchen chair, somehow slips off backward (in slow motion), knocks over the garbage can, and has the folding kitchen stool falls over on her. Nothing really hurt, except her pride. That couldn't have been more perfectly orchestrated if it had been a cartoon. Later, she falls down the last few steps into the family room, plows headlong into the chair at the computer desk, knocking a box full of sewing supplies off of the chair and onto her. We ask her if her ears are hurting at all.

From then on, the whole weekend spins into a slow-motion tailspin of sleep deprivation, doing dishes, changing diapers, doing more dishes, changing more diapers, watching Spongebob with the 2-yr old, doing more dishes, wrestling the dog, changing more diapers, getting sleep in 10 minute increments and doing more dishes. There are (understandably) some reasons why I actually enjoy going to work on Mondays.

Update: My wife just called. For her peace of mind, she took the 2-yr old to family doctor this morning, just to get her ears re-checked. Doctor remarks that there is the tiniest bit of fluid behind her eardrums, but nothing bad at all. Wow, the homeopathic stuff worked amazingly well compared to the 2 week regiment of Amoxycillin that we're usually given by the family doc. Yayyyyyy!

On the lighter side of the news, family doc did say that the 2-yr old's molars are coming in now. Say hello to several more months of cranky kid!

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