Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Throw us a bone, Britney!...er, beads, I mean.

"Spears Takes Katrina Victims Shopping" reads the headline. Not to detract from the fact that she actually did something good with her money, because it meant the world to those four girls... but why do those who have so much, give so little?

Contrast Our favorite little shopping diva to someone else in peer group: Hilary Duff.

When the hurricane inflicted so much damage and turmoil upon the "Big Easy", what did our celebrity friends do?

Britney Spears: Wrote an open letter to the residents of New Orleans, expressing words of encouragement.

Hilary Duff: Wrote a $250,000 check.

Can you guess which one I'm more impressed with? I'm thinking "shaking a few assets loose" tops "shaking a loose ass" any day.

I'm just saying...

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