Friday, February 17, 2006

The Lighter Side of Life...

The storm has blown over, and I have lived to drive my mind-numbing 50 mile commute another day.

I just wanted to share a little bit of the lighter side of this week with you, you know, the part that isn't covered with puke?


8-yr old: Daddy, Jasmyne's brother called me an a-hole today.
Me: Why'd he do that?
8-yr old: I dunno. I didn't say anything bad to him.
Me: Well, sweetie, when people use bad words like that, it just shows that they're not very smart. Like when I get mad and use bad words? I'm not being very smart.
8-yr old: Yeah, instead of saying a bad word, you could just say: "I'm feeling rather infelicitous right now..."
Me: Infelicitous? What the he.. Wha.. Where did you come up with that word?

Another conversation...

6-yr old: (doing homework) Daddy, can you tell me what 13 take away 5 is?
Me: Why don't you try working it out on your fingers?
6-yr old: Duh, dad. I don't have 13 fingers...

A game of hide and seek...

2-yr old: Find me, Daddy!
Me: Where are you?
2-yr old: Underneath the blankie on the kitchen floor.

Movie Review: Just Like Heaven (Mark Ruffalo, Reese Witherspoon)

We checked this one out the same time we checked out the "Legend of Zorro". We finally got to watch it last night, without the two year old dancing between us and the TV, without the litany of questions from the 6-yr old and the 8-yr old (although at one point, the 4 month old started laughing in his sleep).

It was a pretty good show, though it had its loose ends and gaps, and its own little improbability factor. But in spite of all that, it was a hundred times better than the Zorro flick. The characters were pretty well played, and it had some pretty funny moments. A couple of ingenious moments as well, and my favorite scene is when Mark Ruffalo enlists the help of his best friend to steal a body from the hospital.

Money quotes:
  • "I am not doing this for you. Some day I am going to need to move a body and I don't want to hear any s**t from you."
  • "...And the felonies keep piling up!"
  • "Who put spongebob in the pasta?"

The quote that really got me though was:

Reese: "I think i know what my unfinished business is"
Mark: "What?"
Reese: "You"

Because. Four and a half years ago, a young woman touched my life as she died. I can't explain really how, or why. But because of her, I have been so very, very blessed in my life; so much of what I have today is because of her.

All paranormal profundity aside, it was a fun show, and I think we'll add it to our DVD collection.

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