Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Selling Myself

Did that get your attention?

Every once in a while, I check my counter, just to get an idea of how many people are coming by, and how long they're staying, and what they're looking at.

I find that most people are the equivalent of a 50mph drive-by visit, not even staying long enough to register a visit length. Probably just bored out of their skulls, hitting the "next blog" button until something holds their fancy.

Some people are referred by Technorati, if I happen to gripe about any sort of current event. And some people find my site while doing Yahoo! searches for "Paige Hemmis Nude". Which makes me wonder if I have nude pics of Paige hiding in my site somewhere.

But every once in a while, I will get a visitor that pulls up a chair and stays a while, checking out different posts from times past. I'm flattered that my writing will actually catch someone's attention. Even rarer still, the visitor leaves a message.

This site is the equivalent of a rural farmhouse with a seven mile long driveway. Very few people visit here, and I just haven't been into pimping myself out so that I get attention. This is why I was surprised to find that I appeared on BlogShares. And that my imaginary valuation at this point is $3,673.07

How cool is that? Maybe I'd better start selling myself to boost the value of my site for stockholders. But how? Oh yeah, the Paige Hemmis pics...

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