Friday, September 23, 2005

And now, shift gears...

Relegating the heavy political rant to a back burner, or quite possibly a shelf in the fridge, I get back to the stuff I really enjoy...

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm....

I LOVE Cheeseburger Brown's writings. He is the same one who did the Darth Vader blog shortly before Episode III premiered.

He talks about being a wonder-ghoul, and imagining what it would be like to accompany famous people from the past as they get a peek at our world. A kind of "Kate and Leopold" type thing. I know there are better movies out there that work this theme, I just can't remember them.

I used to do this every so often, only with my dead grandparents. I used to imagine giving them a tour of everything that's gone on since they died 20 and 24 years ago.

Anyway, give it up for Cheeseburger Brown, and yet another excellent post that opens your mind up, blows out the cobwebs and makes you go ""

Flying With Caesar

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