Monday, September 26, 2005

Just So You Know...

War is hell. I am so pro-life, that I don't hunt animals, only catch & release fish, and often catch spiders in our home and release them over in the neighbor's yard (their house being vacant since last December; I don't think they mind.) I would often work within inches of hornet nests when I worked for the phone company, and wouldn't bother them.

The only time I am not pro-life is when something directly threatens my family. Then the spider is squashed into oblivion, the mouse meets its fate in the spring-loaded trap, hornets thoroughly doused by hornet spray, etc.

I can't stand the thought of anyone's loved one coming home in a body bag, I can't imagine the pain that a mother must feel when her son's body comes home in a flag-draped coffin, or the heart-wrenching that a wife faces when her husband returns home in a pine box, or the thought of the innocent children who must be told that Daddy won't be coming home.

But I would go if needed, and I would raise arms against the Islamofascist threat that is looming against us. Anyone who says that fanatical Islam is not a threat to us in North America is so far away from reality that the Hubble Telescope would have trouble finding them. And I stand by those words.

Again, war is hell. But sometimes it's necessary. Because simply ignoring the threats of stark raving mad islamic lunatics does not make them go away. Ask those who were directly affected on September 11th. We did not start this war, but we ought to damn well finish it.

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