Monday, September 12, 2005

Cough or Death Rattle?

My apologies to anyone who ended up here looking for information on the gurgling sound known as a "death rattle."

I'm only talking about the blog here.

Over the past several weeks, I've become busier...and busier...and busier, to the point that it's a rare thing to have all of the dishes done at once, and the house all vacuumed up, and the lawn mowed, my laundry put away, etc. There's a few more chores on that list, but I won't bore you with details.

Reason? My wife usually handles a lot of things around the house, but she's pregnant. A high-risk pregnancy, nonetheless. So, being that none of our family is really available to help (most of them living within an hour's drive of us), I pick up ALL of the slack. Which leaves me exhausted. In every freaking way imaginable. No imagination left.

Which brings me to the blog. What exactly does a blog sound like when it's dying?

And is it really dying?

Or am I?

I woke up this morning, after spending most of the night up with a flu of some sorts (I think Kim nailed it on the head when she addresses the ol' "school aged kids = carrier monkeys" topic). So anyways, woke up, extreme pain, nauseum.. couldn't see myself safely navigating those 50 miles to work this morning, so I went back to bed. Had great hallucinatory dreams. Woke up, took a hot bath, went back to bed, got back up again, fixed lunch, took a long nap, got up, wandered around the house aimlessly for a while, laid down again, got up again, drove three blocks over to the school to pick up the kids, came home, got sick again, had dinner, wandered around aimlessly again for a while, sat down and typed this, went to bed. Yep, think I'm dying.

I really want this blog to stay alive, but it won't really look like much over the next few weeks, as exhaustion and time deprivation REALLY set in.

And I really think a change is due here. Sure, the masthead looks kind of nice, but I'm talking about format, too. I will finally get my links in order, maybe some category tags, etc.

I'm changing right now. I don't think it's a midlife crisis, because I'd be pretty surprised to actually make it to 72 years old. It's more of hitting a "T" intersection on the road you've been travelling along. You have two directions to choose from, and neither is the one you were originally going.

Did I mention that I'm trying to quit swearing? What will I do with all of that free time?

I looked at a picture that was taken of me, and I can't figure out which looks more ridiculous: Shaved head or the receding hairline. As long as I'm wearing glasses or a hat, it's not too bad, almost Bruce Willis-ish.

I really most go before I keel over here in the chair.

Until next time...

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