Thursday, September 15, 2005

Much Needed Break

We are taking a much needed 3 day vacation to Yellowstone, where I can wear my funny hat and purple sunglasses and blend in with the German tourists.

I have been getting four or less hours of sleep each night this week, and I... just... need... a... break!

I am going to try and keep this blog running for a number of reasons. One being that I am not a quitter, another being that September is the month that an inordinately high number of blogs bite the bullet. I don't really wish to become part of a popular statistic.

I realize that this blog is mainly for me, though there are people who wander in from time to time and say hi. I appreciate ever so much hearing from you.

I also need a place to post pictures of my baby boy when he decides to make his appearance!

If you happen to be in Yellowstone this weekend, and see someone who looks strangely European (in a Bruce Willis-ish sort of way), with a distinctive Utah accent, be sure and say hi.

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