Sunday, May 15, 2005

"Honey, I Went Out With A Stripper..."

"...and she's to die for!" Why are you giving me that look? Would it help to mention that I dated her two years before I even met you? No??

So here's the scoop: I'm doing a Google search on some people I haven't seen or heard from in eons, and I come across a girl that I dated way back in '92. This girl and I worked at JCPenney together, and went out on occasional dates... things like movies, waterparks and slam-dancing. We didn't date romantically... just hung out to have fun. Well, we parted ways, and I bumped into her a year later or so, and she had slimmed down quite a bit, and was very pale looking. She mentioned she was stripping down at some club, and that I really ought to come and see her sometime. I gave her the non-commital "Sure...Okay", and we parted ways again. Well, apparently, she moved down to Las Vegas not too long after that, and became a, entertainer at a well known establishment, making many thousands of dollars.

Apparently one of her clients became pretty obssessed, and sunk every bit of money that he had into her. And when he ended up broke, she ended the relationship. He goes nuts, and murders two women who own a management company because they won't give him money to fund his strip-bar habit. Hence the term "to die for".

She's not the only girl I dated to turn towards such a career, either. I went out with a pretty girl from my church group when I was a freshman at the University of Utah. Only once, I think. But this girl ended up becoming addicted to sex, bisexual and then came back to Utah and started her own escort service.

My best friend says I'm to blame. He says that when I didn't try to bust a move on them, that they went kind of nuts, questioned their own sexuality, and set out to prove something to themselves and everyone else.'

Or maybe I was just drawn to psychotic women.

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