Tuesday, May 17, 2005

So this is what it feels like!

I walk a thin line between too much sugar in my bloodstream, and not enough, apparently. One of my friends was a classic hypochondriac when we were growing up. We would be out riding bikes, or hard at play when suddenly, he would announce the need to go to the gas station and buy a candy bar. "Low blood-sugar", he would say. I mentally classified this with all of his other imaginary ailments.

I've never had a problem with low-blood sugar! You could literally cut one of my veins open and frost a cake with the stuff that came out. I guess I'm paying for that now, as my poor pancreas can't seem to figure out which end is up.

On an unrelated note, Episode III looms closer and closer, and I followed a link to Darth Vader's Blog. The touchy, feely side of the dark lord, with much candor. And you can't miss the Star Wars cartoons, either. Hi-larious!

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