Thursday, March 2, 2006


Now you have to put up with the ramblings of a sick mind.... BWAHAhahahahahahaha!

Tubs: First off, most of us have a bathtub in our home, no? Is your tub deep enough to cover you completely with water? Mine is. Ha! Jealous? Probably not. But as I was soaking yesterday in a piping hot bath in the middle of my delerium, I thought of the next bath the I want to have: The Bain Ultra Tub. Just at a glance, I'm thinking I like the Ayoura 7236. These come with air jets (with a pattern set up specifically on your back), heated backrest, heated headrest, and chromatherapy lights.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm all about light and color. I must have been a moth in a previous life... But to have light and color while bathing in a hot, luxurious bath of bubbles? Oh, Heaven! Throw in a CD player with some George Winston, Rachmaninov or maybe some mid-80's Robert Plant, and I'm happy as a clam!

Freeway Signs: Speaking of light and color, did you know that the newer freeway signs have "Rainbow Tape" lettering? I noticed this as I drove home yesterday in the early afternoon. Ooh, sparkly!

Speeding: Do police officers really appreciate the possibility of hallucination when you're sick? Good thing I wasn't pulled over yesterday while I was doing 95mph on the freeway, trying to get away from an 80-foot tall Catherine Zeta-Jones who kept throwing cell phones that were as large as a VW bus at me, while screaming "Get More!!!". Could have been worse... could have been Rosie O'Donnell.

Movie Quote: Back in the day, I really enjoyed semi-deep movies like "2001: A Space Odyssey." As astronaut David Bowman nears the monolith, he remarks: "My God, it's full of stars!" So was he referring to this large, black featureless monolith as the literal seed of a sun? I don't think so.

I think he was saying that somehow, scientists were able to take every worthless celebrity in Hollywood (and everywhere else on earth), cram them into a monolith, and put them in orbit around Jupiter. Wow, the miracle of science! If that's what the future holds, then hey, bring it on!

Music: One nasty byproduct of being really sick is that I end up getting a really random and annoying song stuck in my head for the entire day. This time it was the song off of the original Muppet Movie that they sing when the arrive in Hollywood:

"Cause somebody out there loves you, stands up and hollers for more (More!) You've got a home at the magic store!"

I think that does it for me. Back to work.

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