Monday, March 6, 2006

The Darker Side of Linguistics

A bit of fun & creativity for a Monday.

Years ago, my linguistics professor wrote the word "GHOTI" on the board and asked the class for a pronunciation. Several were offered, but we were all surprised when he pronounced the word as "FISH". He then diagrammed the word out:

GH as in "enough"
O as in "women"
TI as in "addition"

Today, being Monday, and for several other reasons, I've had profane words swimming through my head for most of the morning. So, in the vein of trying to be creative, I've come up with a few linguistically-disguised words that I will be using off and on in the blog. These are meant to express my sentiments while shielding your tender ears (eyes...whatever) from horribly ugly profanity splayed across the screen. Ready?


GH as in "enough"
OU as in "rough"
CH as in "Bach"

Add the 'T and YN (as in "Synonym") for different formulations of the word.


TI as in "addition"
Y as in "crypt"
PT as in "Ptolemy"


C as in "acid"
U as in "fun"
NEV as in "Nevada"
U as in "sun"
B as in "boy"
O as in "women"
T as in "obituary"

Not so creative as the others... We could abbreviate it as ECOUBY...

And then my favorite word to yell at people who don't know what the blinking yellow light on their car is for...


AC as in "acid"
J as in "Jalapeno"
ULL as in "full"

Here's the challenge: Come up with some linguistically-disguised words and post them here in the comments section. I've shown you mine, now show me yours...

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