Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My first Meme

Canada Kim has tagged me with a blog meme. So here's all the horrifying info about me you really didn't want to know, but can't manage NOT to read anyway.

10 years ago: Barely married, and barely back from our honeymoon. We were just moving into our first apartment, where we would spend the next three years. Working at an engineering company, doing the same thing I'm doing now.

5 years ago: Working as one of eight DSL field technicians for Qwest Communications in the Wasatch Front metro area. My service area extended from Ogden, Utah north to the Idaho border, and I was damn good at what I did. I enjoyed it, because it was new people, new scenery every day. Oh, and the money was pretty good, too. Had two kids by now, plus we started building our current house in September.

One year ago: I was the engineering / presentation graphics guy for a local county government, i.e., the "Magic Wand" that the county engineer could wave, and there would be a nice looking picture or map, with lots of colors and shiny objects for the simple-minded. I hated my job, because they didn't pay worth shit, and expected the world.

Yesterday: Working on three different projects, trying furiously to get them out the door by their deadlines. Somebody called about the car we're trying to sell, and asked all of the right questions. Maybe he'll buy it. I have a 100 mile commute daily, and need something that is a LOT more fuel efficient. I actually was able to wash all of the dishes last night, and our two-year old slept through the entire night, for possibly the fifth or sixth time in her life.

Today: Going to the annual summer barbecue at my previous employer's. Ummm, steak! AND, my current employer says that I can probably count part of that time as project-related, because I'm going to beg some engineering drawings off of them. How cool is that?

Tomorrow: Who knows? A comet might hit the earth and I won't have to worry about it. If not, I'll be at work, trying desperately to meet deadlines.

5 snacks that I enjoy: Oreos, Potato Chips, Cheetos, Popcorn and beef jerky.

5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Gordon Lightfoot, Billy Joel, The Beach Boys, Abba and the Muppetts. How's that for eclectic? I know many more, but those are the first that come to mind.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay a hell of a lot of taxes, buy a nice house, buy good dependable cars, travel, help others with the huge excess left over.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: NYC, London, Austria, the Caribbean, Australia

5 bad habits I have: Soda Pop, Swearing, Blogging, over-committing my time, being very untidy.

5 things I like doing: Reading, Writing, Traveling, Photography, Sleeping

5 things I would never wear: Pantyhose, anything that is neon-pink, a burkha, a thong and a really long beard.

5 TV shows I like: Extreme Home Makeover, Gilmore Girls, Without A Trace, Numbers, Spongebob

5 movies I like: LOTR Trilogy, Real Genius, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Better Off Dead, Second-Hand Lions

5 famous people I'd like to meet: Steven Spielberg, Terry Pratchett, Ty Pennington, Paige Hemmis (seriously, good looking AND works with power tools? How cool is that?), and any celebrity that QUIETLY and UNASSUMINGLY uses their money to help people in need.

5 biggest joys at the moment: My family, friends, life as it is, good books, good music.

5 favorite toys: From childhood - Legos, Micronauts, Star Wars action figures & playsets, Matchbox/Hotwheels cars and Lite Brite (I have an unbelievable affinity for light and color. I must have been a moth in a previous life.)

5 people to tag
: Aleisha, and any other four people who want to take this up. (I really don't know a lot of people online - more of my visitors actually need to say hi and introduce themselves).

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