Wednesday, July 6, 2005

University of NickJr...

Watching Dora the Explorer today with my 2 year old daughter, I learned something about the American political process, and some of the brains that steer it. The following is a loose approximation of the script from the show:

Dora: Oh No! The Mean Witch is going to cast a spell on us!

Prince: No she won't! I'll trap her in my magic ball! (tractor beam sucks witch into ball)

Boots: Yay! The witch is trapped!

Dora: But now you have a witch inside your ball! That's not good!

Prince: But what can we do? If we let her out, she'll cast a spell on us.

Dora: Maybe if she promises to be a good witch, we can let her out! (to Witch) Do you promise to be good and not be mean anymore?

Witch: (mumbling, looking crestfallen) I promise.

(Prince's ball opens up and witch is transported out again. Dora, Boots & Prince cheer: "Yayyyy!" Dora and Boots break into their usual song of "We did it, we did it, we did it, Hooray!" They sing about how they encountered the mean nasty witch, and saved the prince, and how the witch promised to be good from now on....and.. Did anyone else notice the witch wink at the camera when they said that?)

This reminded me sooooooooo very much about some whiny politicians in Washington who are all for America apologizing to the world for everything.

Let's tell all of the terrorists that we're sorry, and maybe they'll stop hating us and wanting to kill us. Let's turn all of the detainees at Gitmo out onto the street, because we're sorry, we didn't mean to capture you while you were shooting at us. I mean, we shouldn't have been on your soil at all. Here, we'll just let you get back to brutalizing women and killing everyone who doesn't share the same beliefs that you do.

Let's just follow the politicians and celebrities (because God knows, they're soooo in touch with reality) and apologize to the world, and everbody will be happy again! And throat-slitting, suicide bombing, head-lopping-off fanatics will no longer have any reason to hijack and crash airliners into skyscrapers anymore, right? Right???

(crickets chirping)

Did anyone else see Osama wink at the camera?

/political rant

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