Monday, June 27, 2005

The shining American legal system

"Truth, Justice and the American Way" don't seem to be synonymous any more.

To borrow a catch-phrase from Oldsmobile, "This is not your father's [country]."

So what do we do with someone stabbed, strangled, shot and raped 10 people? Well hell, we don't kill em! No, that would be inhumane. We lock him away for the rest of his life into a place where he gets three square meals a day, cable television, free college education, free gym facilities, etc.

Apparently the lives of the guilty are worth more than ten of those that they "bind, torture and kill".

Says the AFP:
Rader will not be eligible for the death penalty because the murders occurred before Kansas reintroduced capital punishment in 1994.

Just sick and wrong.

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