Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Heard it from a friend who....

..heard it from a friend who... heard it from another you're an anti-environmentalist!

This is the report from somebody who read my post about beating the hell out of a "rabid environmentalist" voodoo doll, and - wanting to spare public debate - sent me an email addressing their concerns on the subject.

Thank you. Really. Because sometimes I'm blind to the fact that I come across as someone that I'm not. So here goes:

For the record, my stand on the environment is that I am all for a healthier, cleaner earth. For those who have read an earlier post about the state I live in, and all of the natural beauty to be found there, you will understand that I am fairly environmentally conscious, and I make sure that a campsite that I have used is always cleaner when I leave than when I arrived; I buy special fuel additives for my cars to cut down on emissions, I'm actually trading in a not-so-efficient car on a Honda within the next few weeks, I buy only "dolphin-safe" tuna.... etc, etc, etc.

I deplore people and companies that rape the earth for a quick, easy buck, which seems to happen a lot in our country. There could be a lot more safe-guards and protections offered to the environment than there are now, but hey, that cuts into people's profit margins, making the filthy rich slightly less filthy rich, and who could live with that? (sarcasm)

I love the earth, and like our bodies, it's the only one we've got. So we gotta treat it nice!

So here's what I don't like: Extremism, in all forms. Plain and simple.

Extreme Diets - Maybe some of you have had success with the Atkins Diet? There are three different couples in my extended family who went on the Atkins diet (2 couples have stopped after a year - the third still going). They lost a few pounds in the initial phase, but now they are enormous. And unhealthy. Does it make you wonder that Dr. Atkins died from a congestive heart failure? I have 2 more family members that are militant vegans. You know what? They're probably a good measure healthier than the rest of us, but they're missing a type of protein that soy just can't replace. My sister-in-law is actually going a bit insane. A steak would do her good. Everything in moderation, man!

Extreme Sports - Won't go there. Mainly because I never watch the stuff, and I don't know what they do most the time. Just don't have time!

Exreme Home Makeover? Well... okay, I LIKE that show. But I do have some issues about building some huge fucking mansion when a nice, modest or even larger home would do. But I like the fact that they help some really cool people out, and Ty Pennington is my hero anyway, but I digress...

Political Extremism - Rightwing nut jobs and Leftwing bleeding heart liberals? Move 'em all to a big, deserted island in the middle of the ocean and let 'em fight it out. Let the normal people run the country, for a change. For the record, I am a CONSERVATIVE, and moderately so. It doesn't mean that I am a Jesus-land Republican who does the straight-party vote thing. I am just as quick to vote for a Democrat who repesents my values. I take the time to study the issues and what the candidates represent, and I vote accordingly.

Eco-extremism - where nutjobs believe that the world would be better off without a human population, and that one deformed frog embryo is far more critical in importance than thousands of people? Fuck the nutjobs.

Religious extremism - where people (whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, etc) try to force (and I mean FORCE, not just present or share) their religious views upon you through either violent or non-violent means... Fuck them too.

For those who have read my post about the 10 Commandments, you will know that I am just fine with them being posted on government-owned land, for reasons explained in the post. If you are offended by a cross, the ten commandments, or any other religious symbol - you have the right to look away or ignore it. The Bill of Rights does NOT guarantee you the right to "not be offended". Though I am a Christian, and make it to church most Sundays, I'm not a shining example of my faith, and really need to work on some issues. Like my damn swearing (among other things).

I think that God has a place in society, I really do. Read some of the writings of the founding fathers, and you will see that many of them had a strong belief in God, and that you can't separate moral and religious principle from government, which is exactly what peeps like the ACLU is trying to do now. If they succeed, America will fail. Try researching in history how long a government which shuns deity can really last.

Without a culture that fosters and supports (notice I didn't say "sponsors" or "establishes") belief in blessings or rewards (heavenly or earthly) for doing good, will people be as likely to help others, or more likely to be selfish and greedy? What kind of civilization can grow, progress and prosper with the focus being on what is best for the one instead of what is best for the many? Again, look at the lessons of history, and you will see that civilizations who focused purely upon the individual, became a country full of individuals, and not a cohesive society. They became part of history for a reason.

After all, what is there to hold it together? Where is our strength? We become the great salad bowl rather than the great melting pot. Compare a handful of loose ore to ore that has been smelted, refined and forged into a tool. Which would you rather have?

End of my rant today. And again, my apologies for miscommunicating. I'm really not (that big of) an asshole. :)

PS. I wonder how many enemies I made today?

PPS. Is there really an ACLU lawyer voodoo doll? Anyone know where I can score one?

PPPS. For those of you who would like to respond, reply, praise or tear to pieces any of my posts, and you don't want to get a Blogger profile, please email me!

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