Monday, August 15, 2005


Photo Credit: University of Miami Dept. of Biology

Something started happening last week. The depression was a part of it. The feeling of being lost was part of it. No appetites for food, sex or anything else was a part of it. I was a part of it. This coccoon that I have lived in for so long started to crack, and to break open.

Everything I knew...or thought I different. Things crystalline are melting into fluid, while things fluid are crystallizing into different patterns. Strong things are becoming stronger, while unnecessary things are being cast off. What is happening?

It hasn't been bad...and yet hasn't felt good, either. Just different. There is dying, yet there is new life. There is fear of the unknown, which fear is quickly swallowed up in excitement and anticipation of the possibilities that lay ahead.

There is definitely something heading straight towards me. It has the same inevitability as an approaching storm, yet exudes warmth and surety like a sunrise.

I smile, and wait...

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