Saturday, August 27, 2005

So Not The Trendsetter...

I used to be on top of it all... I coulda bin a contendah..., but alas, I have fallen behind the times.

One of the byproducts of parenthood (other than kids, obviously) is the lack of time to do anything, and the lack of money to do it with, should time ever avail itself. So instead of knowing all of the buzzwords and hot topics that people are chatting about, I have my finger on the pulse of the local PTA, I can tell the difference between a hungry cry and a tired cry, and I know the perfect pattern of loading the dishwasher, so that I can fit the maximum number of items in there. Pathetic, really, but that is my existence as it stands at the moment.

For instance, the last three Star Wars movies (episodes I, II and III) I will not have been able to see in the theater. Yes, that's right. I am one of probably 12 people in the entire state of Utah who has not seen Revenge of the Sith yet.

Pity me.

I waited until only three weeks ago to read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (that's book five, folks), and then just barely read the Half-Blood Prince over the past week. Puh-thetic. Yep.

My thoughts on the Potter kid? Well, you know when a big action scene is coming up, and the action heros are strapping on all of their weapons and getting ready? I'm thinking most of Harry Potter Book 7 will be like that. Getting down to business and dispatching the snake charmer, along with the greasy-haired professor and the ever so smug Malfoy.

C'mon, that's what you've wanted from the beginning, isn't it? Point your wand at the little smirking brat and have him disappear in a brilliant flash of green light? Odds are, though, Malfoy won't get plugged. It will have something to do with Harry having the capacity to love and forgive, blah blah blah, and he will actually end up saving Malfoy's life.

Course, now that I've written this, J.K. Rowling will somehow stumble across it, and make sure that these things don't happen this way, and that Malfoy ends up as a thin paste covering a wall somewhere. Whatever. I do like that Potter finally hooked up with Ginny. She's a hottie. I like redheads.

Moving On...

My blog has been looking as sparse as my wallet lately. Hardly a post here or there. Here's my excuse:

I've had tuberculosis for the past three weeks, and the only way I can update my blog is by text messaging. And my cell phone battery died a week ago.

Not really. But it sounds a lot better than trying to explain that the engineering busy season is starting right now, and that I have to do more and more around the house, as my wife nears her inevitable sojourn into "Bed-Rest" territory. Hardly a free moment.

I am teaching myself a bit of CSS, and you can see the results as a tweak here and a tweak there on the site. Like the masthead. Did you know that photo was taken from my driveway? That's how close the mountains are to my house. I love where I live! I'm trying to work on a script that will put a different random image in the masthead evertime you refresh the page, but haven't figured it out yet.

Another thing. I got hit with my first ever spam comment a day or two ago. I'm pretty sure it's spam because of the distinct pork smell, and also the fact that my counter stats show that this guy never visited my page at all. I felt cheap and a bit used, but I'm used to feeling cheap and used, so it didn't really affect me much.

If I start seeing boatloads of comments showing up on my page, I will know that it is yet more internet pork, and I will be forced to use that annoying word verification thingy for comments. What a sorry day THAT will be, because all of us (me and my one or two IIF's) know that this site is not on a busy street, so to speak, and by design will never get much traffic at all. If it did, you could be fairly sure that the apocalypse is right around the corner.

Gotta run. It's 1:20am, and I need sleep...mmmmmm...sleep....

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