Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Music has gone too far this time

Actually, it's not music's fault. Just the fault of some people who express themselves through music... except they're not musicians. Allow me to relate:

There was a kid in my school when I grew up that liked Rush - a lot. Now there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but his was an unhealthy obsession. He could only relate to reality through a "Rush" filter. Eventually he added Journey and Survivor to his musical diet for a bit of balance, but in becoming so proficient in living in the world of Rush, he forgot how to relate to the real world, and the people that populate it. He withdrew from public school, and become something of a hermit. I haven't seen him or heard from him for years. Quite sad, I'd say.

Then there was another guy I knew who would only communicate to his girlfriend using U2 lyrics. Okay. Can anyone say "Barf"? But hey, it all falls under our constitutionally-protected right of artistic expression, right? Just like grafitti, pornography, obscene music and hate speech.

Yep, Barf.

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