Monday, May 8, 2006

How to Dismantle an Atomic Blog*

atomic blog

First off, my apologies to anyone who had the expectation of reading anything new on this blog last week... It was a very, very busy week. It didn't help that I had to work on a project for EFH**, which in and of itself is highly stressful, and destroys any literary creativity that I might have.

That being said, let's review the steps for dismantling this atomic blog*:
  1. Finish unfinished business; namely the European Trip entry. I've asked my best friend three times now for any memories he might have from the trip, and so far I've gotten nothing back from him... So, I'll wing it.
  2. Archive all of my past entries into either html, pdf or Microsoft Word. I do want to have a record of this little venture, if only for myself...
  3. Say anything and everything that I need to say... Anything I need to get off my chest before I pull the plug. Some fun, some serious...
  4. Have even more fun with the masthead pics and Blogger settings that I haven't messed around with that much. It's like working in a nuclear* power plant, and always wanting to push that red button... well now, I get to.
  5. Send out invitations to the blog funeral. And yes, there will be a last will & testament... although I really don't have anything to bequeath. It'll be more like "last words."

I really thought it would be hard to leave this blogging thing all behind, but if last week was any indication of the future, I think I'll be doing alright. That, and I'm seriously considering applying for a new job that is a two year contract, and making 50% more than I am here. Plus amazing benefits. Big downside? Not having internet access throughout the day... I'm seriously weighing it; this could be a way to get into a larger house, save up a little money for school, and get that kickass camera I've been lusting after.

Have a very happy Monday, one and all!

*Any similarities between "atomic", "nuclear" and this blog are highly coincidental, and at best, fictional. This site is about as low-voltage as you can get.

**The Engineer From Hell

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