Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Conversation With A 2 Year Old...

Life's most precious moments often start out like this...

(sound of crying from the girls' room upstairs)

Me: What's the matter?

2-yr Old: Olivia tol me to way down

Me: Welllll, it is bedtime... you really should lay down and try to go to sleep.

2-yr Old: But I need a dwink, Daddy!

We go downstairs and fill up a cup of water for her, which she drinks about two swallows from

Me: Okay, let's go to bed...

2-yr Old: I need thtuffy-nose medicine...

Me: (groan) All right... pouring some allergy medicine for her. Drink it up. While she is drinking up her medicine, I pull out the box of band-aids and proceed to clean up many of the cuts and scratches I had gotten from fixing the garage door earlier that evening

Me: Where is the Neosporin?! I ransack the medicine cabinet, while my daughter opens the box of band-aids and unwraps a bunch of them for me. I find the ointment, but end up sticking the first band-aid together and tearing it...

2-yr Old: Oh, tartar sauce...

I get all of the band-aids put into place...

Me: Okay, you really need to go to bed now...

2-yr Old: I need to go potty!

Me: (groan) Okay...

She goes potty...

Me: Okay, Sweetie... let's go to bed!

2-yr Old: I need bwush my teef!

She brushes her teeth

Me: Okay... NOW let's go to bed...

2-yr Old: I need go check on Mommy...

Me: I see what you're doing... you're just trying to stay up, aren't you?

2-yr Old: (smiling sweetly) Can I stay up?

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